
Teeth Whitening

We can help you brighten your smile! Our professional bleaching trays are the safest and most effective method to whiten teeth. Whether from extrinsic stains of food and drink or intrinsic stains from medications or dental trauma, we can help you achieve the smile you desire.


Composite Restorations

Composite restorations help restore teeth back to their natural form and function. We use tooth-colored material to bond to the natural tooth while filling and sealing the tooth from bacteria and decay. A filling may be required for tooth decay, chipped teeth, covering an underlying tooth structure, or restoring gaps between teeth.

Dental Implant Restoration

A dental implant can serve many functions such as restoring missing teeth or provide retention to a denture. They help to prevent bone shrinkage and support the surrounding soft tissue. We embed a synthetic prosthesis into the bone, serving as the foundation for a crown to permanently restore the area. An advantage of the implant is that the restoration supports itself and can be cared for like a natural tooth.


Crowns & Bridges

Crowns and bridges restore teeth to their optimal, natural form and function. 

A crown acts as a cap to rebuild the tooth. Crowns support severely broken-down teeth, restore implants, attach bridges, and prevent cracked teeth from becoming worse. Crowns can also bring chipped, cracked, and discolored teeth back to their natural appearance and function. 

A bridge is a “fixed” way to replace a missing tooth by cementing it to supporting teeth on either side of the affected area as support.


Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are cemented over the front of the tooth to change the tooth’s color or shape. They are used on chips, gaps, uneven shaped teeth or even rotated teeth. Veneers are made custom to your teeth to guarantee a perfect fit!


TMJ Therapy

TMJ represents the temporomandibular joint which connects our jawbone to the rest of our head. When this joint isn’t working properly, you may experience headaches, neck/head muscle pain, and discomfort when opening and closing your mouth. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, we recommend coming in for a thorough exam prior to any treatment.